Thursday, July 16, 2009


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What is a Cougar?

A cougar is an animal that is also classified as a mountain lion or puma or panther. It lives in North America espessially in the mountains. Even though it is so big is is related to small felines and it belongs to the family Felinae. It is the largest of the small cats. Although it resembles the domestic cat, it is about the size of an adult human. It can be almost as big as a jaguar but it is less muscled and powerful. Cougars are mostly ambush predators feeding on deer and other small prey.

Female cougars are fiercly protective of their kittens and will fight off a grizzly bear in their defence. But still the kitten survival rates are just 1 per litter. Life expectancy is between 8 to 13 years but may live to be as long as 20 years in captivity. Causes of death are from hunting, competition with other cougars and diseases.

Cougars have been hybrid to make pumapard. A hybrid between leopard and puma.

The info above is from

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