Monday, August 24, 2009

Lots of pictures

I know i have not been around for long but I was working on this photo album on The bengal tiger. Too bad I cant put many pictures anymore.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bengal Tiger

At the amazing beauty I stare
This kind of value, nowhere there
For hundreds of years may the tiger rule
For it's wisdom is true

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bengal Tiger?

The Royal Bengal Tiger scientifically called "Panthera Tigris Tigris" is found in India, Bangladesh and less abundantly found in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and southern Tibet. It is notoriously known to have a roar that can be heard up to three kilometers. They have a coat of orange fur with black stripes. They are about six feet long.

The diet of the bengal consists of deer and rabbits however a few become maneaters because of the loss of prey.

They live alone and fiercely mark their territory by spraying urine on to leaves and trees to keep off rivals. They are currently endangered due to illegal poaching and hunting and in the wild they live from 8-10 years.

Tigresses produce 2-6 cubs when they mate. They will agressively protect their cubs in any case of danger.

Monday, August 3, 2009