Sunday, June 28, 2009

A hint about next month!

Hi Creature fans,
Was this month good or what?
Well we are almost done June and are moving into July!
So whats it gonna be?
The cat of the month next month!
Well I can't tell you just yet. What is the fun in that?
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut....... I can give you a hint!
There is a big sports gear company that goes by the name of this animal. They sell fancy shoes and shirts and backpacks. Do you have a guess? Don't give it away!

Scary or what!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Jaguar is the largest cat the the western hemisphere and weighs from 250 pounds on. It is about 5 1/2 to 8 feet long with tail. It lives in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico, Central, and South America, though it is very rare in the United States. The Jaguar is not at all hesitant to enter water though many others of its family hate water. The Jaguar habitat ranges from dense rainforest to flooded swamy areas.

The jaguar will eat anything that it can hunt but usually likes to hunt bigger prey like capybara and tapirs. It usually kills prey by piercing their skulls with its sharp canines.

So what is the difference between a leopard and a jaguar? Well a jaguar has a much stockier body and is shorted in length than the leopard. Their patterns are also different. A jaguar has circles with dots in the middle while leopards have spots.

Their home range is for males 19 to 53 square miles and for females 10 to 37 square miles. Thats a big home but that is all they use in their whole life. Compared to humans it is not that much.

Fun Jaguar Facts
- Poaching and habitat destruction are the main cases of the jaguar being an endangered species.
- Jaguars mainly hunt at night.
- jaguar’s name means “a beast that kills its prey with a single bound.”
- A jaguar’s roar sounds like a deep, chesty rough cough.(Something like that)
- Melanistic jaguar have been mistakenly called “black panthers.” Black panthers do not exist.

The following information is from the website:

Big Cats

Did you know that Jaguars have the strongest bite in comparison to head in the world? Well if you like Wild Cats, then this is the website for you. You will absolutely love this blog that I have devoted to Wild Cats

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jaguars: More about these Big Cats

This picture was obtained from:

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Jaguar

The Jaguar
Scientifically called: Panthera Ocna
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan in the wild: 12 to 15 years
Head to body: 5 to 6 ft
tail: 27.5 to 36 inches
Its size is relative to a 6 ft man.
At the moment it is endangered
This animal is found in Central and South America in tropical rainforest.
Diet: Tapir, deer, capybaras and peccaries
Appearance: Tan with distinguishable dark spots on them.
-Have the strongest bite in comparison to head in the whole cat family.
-Territorial animals that are ready to defend their territory
-Sometimes these animals are killed for their fur and sometimes by farmers for preying on livestock.
-Unlike most cats, jaguars are not hesitant to enter water.

Welcome to Big Cats Around The World

The Beast of the Month

Are you the fan of a big cat around the world? Do you think tigers and lions are cool? Well then you have come to the right place. We are going on a fantastic journey around the world and looking at some of the Worlds most awesome wild cats.

Do you think you are ready?? Well pack your bags because we are leaving and not waiting for anyone to catch up! Hurry up! The journey starts tonight! Our first big cat, the one of the month is the Jaguar